Years Experience

We specialise in bringing high-quality alloy wheel repairs directly to your doorstep. Whether you're at home or at the office, our experienced team is equipped to provide professional, efficient service that restores the integrity of your wheels.

Simple and Efficient Wheel Repair Process

Experience hassle-free alloy wheel repair with Awesome Wheels. Our process is streamlined for your convenience.
Years Experience
Consultation and Scheduling
Start by telling us about your vehicle and the repair service needed. We discuss price, then, choose a convenient time and location for the repair, whether it’s at your home or workplace. We offer same-day appointments subject to availability.
Pre-Service Setup
Upon arrival, our team sets up securely using specialist vehicle jacks. We then discuss the repair options, ensuring clear communication and understanding of your needs.
Wheel and Tyre Preparation
We carefully deflate and manipulate the tyre to access the entire rim. This step is crucial for a comprehensive and meticulous repair.
Alloy Repair Service
Our experienced technicians perform the alloy repair, meticulously restoring your wheels. The process typically takes about an hour per wheel, ensuring precision and quality.
We expedite the drying of coatings using infrared lamps to ensure a faster, more efficient cure. Not only does it speed up repair time but also enhances the durability and finish of your wheels.
Final Inspection
Wheels are carefully refitted with a torque wrench to ensure accuracy and safety. Tyres are reinflated to the manufacturer's recommended pressure.

We then conduct a detailed tyre check and share expert advice on maintaining the pristine condition of your refurbished wheels, aiming for both aesthetic excellence and lasting durability.